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 Items Related Topic (not weapons) 
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Champion in quartet

Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:21 pm
Posts: 322
Post Items Related Topic (not weapons)
Ehem ehem. I'd like to call everyone (*cough* not everyone *cough*) to talk about Items.

First of all: we won't be touching the weapons. For them, go to the room on the next door.

Now that I've introduced this Forum, let's go to the first question.

Some of Pat's commentaries have lighted up some questions on me. First of all comes to the armor. My expectations from what I would say "ok" would be that: when higher the level we have, the better the armor we have.

As an example:
Armor LEVEL Spec:
Lvl 1 - Absorbtion 10%
Lvl 2 - Absorbtion 15% + 2% for an specific kind of special damage.
Lvl 3 - Absorbtion 20% + 2% for an specific kind of special damage.
Lvl 4 - Absorbtion 25% + 4% for an specific kind of special damage.

With this, the game would reward people that play more, but won't limit casual players of doing hard mission (just that they would need to be careful).

That leads us to damage, wich lead us to health. As I spect, there will be no health packs, so no matters if we are doing the last stand before the acid rices, we'll have to retreat (in the case we're injured) instead of just staying there and relying on that we'll have a reserve of health.

And that ends up with the question for now.

Someone told me this couldn't be done... Now I know that he was wrong... Still I don't remeber what!
I really need to follow that "thing" I so call friend.

xRDVx wrote: "Humans can dream... and so do I."
mik1 wrote: "i like boys"

Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:04 pm

Joined: Sun Feb 17, 2002 7:07 pm
Posts: 628
Post Re: Items Related Topic (-Weapons)
xRDVx wrote:
when higher the level we have, the better the armor we have.
It looks like a MMO scheme to me: the more you play, the more you have powerful items. I won't probably go that way. Imagine a FPS where the best players are awarded with more powerful weapons, they will be more skilled and better equipped, where is the challenge?

I don't have rigid plans, but I would prefer something like: if you are more skilled, you have access to more choice, but at a higher risk.

I think about something like: if you are skilled, you are allowed to increase your firepower by 10%, but at the cost of 10% of your armor.

And for the skill measurement or value of a player, look at the last video, there are 2 data, the ore extracted and the damage inflicted to the mine shaft. I think the "value" of a player could be a result of these 2 data. 100 ores extracted with 100 damages is better than 100s ore with 200 damages. But 200 ores with 200 damages is better than 100 ores with 100 damages.

There is a volume and a ratio, but it's just an idea.

Playing : Tiny Attacks

Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:49 am
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Champion in quartet

Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:21 pm
Posts: 322
Post Re: Items Related Topic (not weapons)
Lol.. of course we don't want to have super-powerfull guys that are basically tanks :P

But also if everyone, unless you do some sort of "class" like sets, have the same equipament (Exept from variations on some stuff, but basically same defense, same attack [-ehem- depends on inflicting gun]) it would make it.. more of a.. I don't know.

But I didn't meant to go MMO like. Also you've to take into account if you're going to do multiple difficulties.

Someone told me this couldn't be done... Now I know that he was wrong... Still I don't remeber what!
I really need to follow that "thing" I so call friend.

xRDVx wrote: "Humans can dream... and so do I."
mik1 wrote: "i like boys"

Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:21 pm
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