Connected Pylons: arcade / puzzle game
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Author:  Pat AfterMoon [ Sat Aug 30, 2014 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Connected Pylons: arcade / puzzle game

Commenting the arcade / puzzle game: Connected Pylons

Author:  Pat AfterMoon [ Sat Aug 30, 2014 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Connected Pylons: arcade / puzzle game

Just in case you reach the level 46, do not be discouraged, be quick, and beat the level before all bad guys spawn!

Author:  ANDREI [ Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Connected Pylons: arcade / puzzle game

A bit late post

It's a nice idea to combine elements of puzzle with somewhat dynamic gameplay, as you link the pylons whilst being careful at the bad guys, making the game more interesting. It's also nice that there's not only that one viable solution, which applies to most puzzles (you are pretty free to solve the level any way you want).

Just in case you plan to "improve" the game, perhaps you could add multiple pylons of specific colors, which would only accept blocks of the same color(s) as a link :mrgreen:. I belive it'd make the levels more complicated and give it more gameplay value.

By the way, I only made it to level 24, but it feels like I'd have too much to grind so as to reach level 46.

Author:  Pat AfterMoon [ Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Connected Pylons: arcade / puzzle game

ANDREI wrote:
Just in case you plan to "improve" the game, perhaps you could add multiple pylons of specific colors, which would only accept blocks of the same color(s) as a link

I definitely plan to improve this game, there are tons of interesting possibilities, including the one you mention ;)

Author:  ANDREI [ Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Connected Pylons: arcade / puzzle game

...I forgot to mention, the enemies' AI seems a bit clunky. They mostly "slide" around walls, without caring that you may be next to them; perhaps you could give them different AIs? That'd be a bit similar to Pacman, where each ghost had his own AI and they could work together (except for the 4th one which just walked around randomly) in order to catch you.

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