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 Hush and I beat Challenge mode together. 
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Champion in solo and duo and quartet

Joined: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:40 pm
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Post Hush and I beat Challenge mode together.
I forgot to record the ending cause I was panicing that something, somehow, would go wrong. (mainly worrying about lasers and lava)

I'm still looking to do challenge mode in a team of 4. Still looking for a great team. =)

Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:06 am Profile

Joined: Sun Feb 17, 2002 7:07 pm
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Post Re: Hush and I beat Challenge mode together.
Congratulation for you two!

Keeshu, what happened in the Toxic Waste Dump, your health has dropped to 1 pt !!!!!

Playing : Tiny Attacks

Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:21 am Profile WWW
Champion in solo and duo and quartet

Joined: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:40 pm
Posts: 36
Post Re: Hush and I beat Challenge mode together.
I totally forgot about that. I still don't remember why it went that low, or why I let my guard down that much. Maybe I was just goofing off with stroggs again. My best guess is that I was trying to make a gladiator fight with a gunner so I wouldn't waste ammo and not get hurt. However, I totally forgot about the second gunner, which never hits me so I ignored him foolishly (I usually kill him first though). Of course, this is just a hunch, I don't remeber why I had 1 hp.
The gunner killed the gladiator though, gladiator shoved the gunner back with a railgun shot behind the boxes, then the gladiator kept trying to charge so he can use his claw attack, but he was too big to get behind the boxes. =p

During 9th unit I was sorta panicing that hush or I would make a mistake. so during the last like 20 monsters, I was feeling rushed, but i didn't rush (unless you count pressing the switches in inner chamber without killing iron maidens rushing). At the end I was going to wait for Hush to help kill the makron, but I was afraid hush wouldn't activate quad or invuln (cause I was panicing, and know that everyone makes mistakes, i didn't wanna take a risk). So I just used quad + invuln, and used chaingun on jorg+makron.

I feel the constant need to appologize to Hush though, for barking orders during co-op, I wanted to make sure she knew everything. (I didn't know how much she played quake 2's campaign or coop or die)

after completing challenge mode, she said "wanna restart challenge mode?". I said sure, I wanna see her way of doing things now. =p Also, I don't have to feel guilty about falling into lasers in unit 5. (even though it wasn't my fault, my laptop thinks I'm pressing forwards [or any other button] when I'm not pressing anything, this is why I always try to keep an invuln on me, but my laptop messed up like that in the secret level there, and feel into a tiny pool of lava)

I'm probably going to help many other people beat challenge mode as well.

I had a fun time playing with hush, and we killed supertank in unit 6 with a blaser, and hornet (boss 2) in unit 8 with blasters also. The monsters cant shoot back cause they need a direct line of sight with the middle of their entity, and you, and have enough room on the sides to shoot their weapons. So, no matter what, you can shoot them, but they can't shoot you. However, this doesn't really matter too much, cause it's just easier and faster to just run past them (assuming your teammates are smart enough to do that. XP

To be honest I was expecting to beat coop or die with lupowolf first, cause we play together everyday. Only problem is, he keep getting an error randomly when playing quake 2. Only things I can think of is that he either didn't do the maximum install possible, or his computer just doesn't like quake 2.

P.S. I'm sure now that the 2nd gunner pumped me full of grenades when I was goofing off with the glad + gunner. I remember now just watching those 2 fight, then suddenly tons of exsplosions went off in my face. Goofing off is a very very bad idea when you are sleepy. =p I like making gunners fight other monsters, it saves me ammo, but it's mainly for me to laugh.

P.S. again
I'm going to try to use my other computer more often, so I dont have to worry about randomly falling into lava. (however I will have to worry about a crappy spacebar when i do that, hopefully I won't have to do any serious jumping, where if I fail, I die or get hurt a lot. That's much less likely to happen, compared to walking into something I don't want to.)

Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:41 am Profile
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